Speaking & Workshops

We speak on variety of issues around the topic of living your Social Purpose and creating transformational social good.  We do presentations for corporations, nonprofits, leaders, students, entrepreneurs, those new to the Social Purpose game, and those who have already begun the journey. While we have some signature talks available – we are open to discussing a topic that may be more relevant to your audience.

Signature Talks

The Social Purpose Imperative

The term social purpose is gaining ground in the corporate sector as more investors, consumers and employees expect the companies they support to make a positive contribution to society. Social purpose is different from philanthropy and charitable giving – and encompasses much more than the terms “corporate social responsibility” and “community investment”.  Social purpose is a commitment to society that is embedded across the strategy, decision-making and functions of a company.

In this presentation, Orenda outlines the shifts in the business marketplace that are making social purpose an imperative for companies and provides a framework for companies to begin defining their own social purpose.

Corporate Karma: How Business can Move Forward by Giving Back

Corporate culture, simply stated, is “the way we do things around here.” This simple idea has the power to paralyze companies, stall their ability to get where they want to be or propel them to new heights. Corporate philanthropy can unleash the potential of organizations by energizing employees, improving loyalty and retention, enhancing personal satisfaction and establishing trust.

In this presentation, Orenda establishes the case for corporate philanthropy, shares strategies for creating the right match, and lays out what it takes to create action plans that deliver meaningful results. We uses case studies to highlight strategies for success with examples from some of the most inspiring recent corporate cause partnerships.

The Emotional Profit Center: Weaving CSR into the fabric of your brand

While companies are aware of the importance of communicating their social responsibility to external audiences, they often overlook their most important target—their very own employees. In order to maximize a company’s social contributions, there must be a plan to leverage the company’s philanthropy strategy to create more inspirational workplaces. The right internal communications strategy will galvanize employees around a powerful social issue that reflects the company’s values. Do your employees know about your corporate philanthropy partners? Are these messages coming from the right source? Are there opportunities for employees to roll up their sleeves and pitch in? Would your employees be willing to make a contribution—either by participating in an event, offering their skills or making a donation, to the company’s cause? Orenda leads you through the key steps to ensure that your corporate philanthropy initiatives create a positive corporate culture, including:

  • Creating a Signature cause program with cross functional leadership
  • Connecting the company in a focused way to a relevant cause
  • Creating employee engagement opportunities including events, hands on support and contributions
  • Reaching employees at every level, regardless of location and language using existing internal communications tools
  • Measuring results and effectiveness for your company and the cause you’re supporting
    Finding your True North: Making a difference while you’re making a living

There are so many great charities doing important work. There are so many causes that are in need of support. How do you decide how to allocate your resources to make a difference?

Wading through the endless requests from charities asking for support, friends asking for sponsorships for their charitable “athons”, the golf tournaments, silent auctions and galas that you feel obligated to participate in – can be overwhelming, confusing, fatiguing and expensive! How do you make a difference within your budget, and decide how YOU want to make a difference?

Whether you are an individual, organization, or corporation – discovering a True North giving strategy allows you to focus your giving on an issue that resonates for you and allows you to experience the tangible impact your contributions of time, skill and money are making to the cause.

In this presentation, designed for individuals, companies and organizations, Orenda provides a framework for identifying a cause that can become your True North for giving.


Mapping your Impact: The first step to defining your social purpose

Investors and consumers are becoming wise to the ways of ‘greenwashing’ and ‘causewashing’. Transparency and authenticity is the name of the game in social purpose. In order to be transparent, companies need to understand their impact on the planet:  how do our operations, product and services impact the environment and society?

This workshop will walk companies through a process of exploring their impact as well as opportunities to use their core competencies and business objectives to have a positive mark on society. This is the first step in defining your social purpose.

Social Purpose for Startups:  How to bake good into your business

Startups and entrepreneurs have a leg-up in the social purpose arena. While many companies have to step back and reexamine how to embed social purpose into an established corporate culture, new companies have the opportunity to build a social purpose into their business model from the onset, giving them a competitive edge in this changing market.

In this workshop, entrepreneurs and startups will work with their business plan to identify a social purpose and ways this can be embedded into the culture of their new business.

Designing a FRAMEwork® for engaging CSR

This workshop, designed for business leaders and their teams, walks through the ORENDA FRAMEwork™ Process.

This process includes the identification of a focused and relevant cause partnership, the metrics for social and business impact as well as strategies for stakeholder engagement. Participants have the opportunity to collaborate and develop the blueprint for their corporate philanthropy program, with the benefit of a professional facilitator to coach them through the process.

 From Collecting to Collaborating: The new corporate-cause partnerships

This presentation, designed for non-profit leaders, describes how great corporate-cause partnerships are about much more than giving and receiving money. They are about meshing missions, resources and skills to create a win-win-win – for the company, the non-profit and the world.

This workshop identifies how non-profits need to “show up” for potential corporate partners, replete with real examples and case studies of programs that work.



Peggie’s professionalism, wisdom, knowledge and compassion captured our attention and moved us to action. She is a brilliant storyteller! It is by weaving her message through the stories she tells that she is able to take the audience on a journey with you that is both thought provoking and relevant. Her ability to integrate the value of corporate philanthropy into the Business Development model is a timely and compelling message.

Jim Pierce COO – Isagenix International

Peggie Pelosi not only looks like, sounds like and is a successful business person, she has an uncanny knack of inspirationally magnetizing her audience with her passion, intelligence, authenticity and eloquence.

Jake McArthur President – Cairncrest Leadership Coaching